
Easy Being Green

Here at Falootin, this is our effort at “going green” in a small way. The dress that you see here was made from a dressy, button-down shirt that belonged to my grandfather who passed away in 2009. To have a little something that was his, I made my daughter this dress. It really means a lot.

Do you have any sentimental pieces of clothing lying around? Or does your husband have any dress shirts that don't fit anymore?? Well we can turn those shirts into a beautiful and meaningful little girls dress. Check back soon for many more styles.

Just place an order through us ( Subject line: Falootin. In the message include the style (currently, the style a.k.a. "the LaRhett" you see here is the only one available), size, and where you will be shipping from (locals can skip shipping fees). After I receive your order, we will arrange for your clothing item to be sent to us. After the dress is completed, we will ship it back after we have received your payment via Paypal or check.  Cost is $25 for the dress + any shipping fees that might apply.  Feel free to email us with any further questions!

The LaRhett